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Monday, 23 March 2009
Before 'High School the Musical', was there a 'High School'?
I can't help but think that High School the Musical film would have been a lot less gay without all the singing and dancing... I don't know much about these things (as I'm 24), but is there any chance there was a movie before 'High School the Musical' just called 'High School'?
And if so, when is 'High School the Funeral' coming out?
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Should I stay or should I go?
It's a little more tricky than you think, you see if I stay there will be trouble, but if I go it will be double...
Please advise! xxoxoxoxoxoxxxx
Best way to knock out henchmen?
I'm a 34-year-old spy on a secret mission, currently concealed within an air duct inside a volcano lair. I'm not as fast as I used to be, and I'm worried about my impending attack - I've been psyching myself up for days but it hasn't worked. I'm tired and cold and I just want to go home. Please help.
Why am I not growing up?
I was born on February 29th 1984. I have been alive for 25 years but have the body of a 6 year old... what's wrong with me?
How do you pick the lock on a pair of handcuffs?
I need somle advice fast. I bneed to pick the lock on some handdcuffs because I cant quite reahc the key. I dont have anyh tools handy. Pleasse reply soon - Im using an in-car conmputer.
Additional Details
u[[pdate - here are the thinjgs i have to hnd:
wlkie talkie
a nghtstick
sme mace
please hurryr
Is YouTube where the Devil lives?
I noticed that most of the comments posted on YouTube videos are made of pure evil... is YouTube a window to Hell? Can I get sucked in if I watch too many horrific skateboarding accidents? Is that what the 'Chocolate Rain' song is about???
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Where do broken hearts go?
Can they find their way home back to the open arms of a love that's waiting there? And while we're on the subject, if somebody loves you, won't they always love you?
p.s. the answer's not 'The Heart Repair Place' - I checked there - it doesn't exist - now I look like a FOOL, so thank you Yahoo Answers...
Where did all the dodos go?
Did they know something we don't? Should we be worried?
Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest but then duck when the baddie then throws the empty gun at him?
Are guns made of Kryptonite? Does Lex Luther know? Sorry Supe....
What's a Jonas Brothers?
We don't have Jonas Brothers here in the UK, but I often hear it talked about in the media... is it like SARS? Or CJD? Should I be worried about contracting it from a toilet seat?
Who buys Malt Loaf? Really?
Is it just for people who hate themselves?
Why don't jetpacks burn their pilot's feet?
When jetpack / rocket belt users are in flight, the nozzles presumably exhaust large amounts of super-heated air under high pressure straight down to create an upwards lift force.
Now I'm no scientist, but surely a force that's going to be enough to lift a human off the ground will also be enough to heat/burn anything close to it? If this is the case, then how come the user's feet, dangling centimeters away from the exhaust nozzles, remain un-scathed?
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Before 'High School the Musical', was there a 'Hig...
Should I stay or should I go?
Best way to knock out henchmen?
Why am I not growing up?
How do you pick the lock on a pair of handcuffs?
Is YouTube where the Devil lives?
Where do broken hearts go?
Where did all the dodos go?
Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest but ...
What's a Jonas Brothers?
Who buys Malt Loaf? Really?
Why don't jetpacks burn their pilot's feet?
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Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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